Had a blast at Emerald City Comic-con 2015!

So, been recovering from con-crud as we all lovingly call it. Eating gluten by mistake made me miserable and open to catching a cold, and then working Norwescon 38 the following weekend didn’t help. Hey, when they pack 80,000 people into a convention center, you are bound to catch something! I had a good time though. Didn’t get to see as much as I wanted because we didn’t go Friday like usual, and I volunteered Sunday with the 501st for over 4 hours (leaving directly after so that Manbeast could watch WrestleMania… sigh) but it was worth it. I got to meet Tom Hodges, but most importantly, Anthony Daniels (He is so incredibly funny and awesome!) Manbeast volunteered with me too, and I must say, our RSO outfits looked awesome! Here we are with my friend Nikki!

RSO Emerald City Comiccon 2015
Saturday we spent with some amazing friends of ours. Dena was a steampunk vampire hunter, and I was her vampire. I loved the subtle light/dark looks we had, even though I was the evil one, I tried to wear my lightest colored steampunk costume pieces, while hers was a lot of darker pieces, even the rosary and sword were dark. It was glorious! I loved it.

Steampunk Vampire Comiccon 2015luring me in with her sweet blood, little did I know that the hunter had a silver chain in her hands!

Steampunk Vampire 2 Comiccon 2015The holy silver chain! HOW IT BURNSSSS!

Steampunk Vampire 3 Comiccon 2015
She pierces my heart with her wooden sword! Curses!

Steampunk Vampire 1 Comicon 2015 Yes, cleavage happens. Its called a corset.

I hope everyone else loved Comic-con as much as I did! I will post photos of the final Steampunk costume and a more in-depth look at the bustle skirt that I made for my friend Taylor’s wedding in my next post! (I’m eagerly awaiting the photos from the wedding! I loved my hair and my tiny black top hat from Brigid’s Whispers, you have no idea…)

If I didn’t make my costume, most of the pieces I wore came from the costume shop I own/work at, or from other local businesses and vendors at Ren Faire’s and Conventions.


Comic-con is coming up fast!

So I’ll be at Emerald City Comic-con again this year, yay! I received my badge for Saturday in the mail, I’m so happy! I’m volunteering for the 501st booth as my ISO gal Sunday too (maybe a good group shot photo of all us Pacific Northwest gals at the con). Double yay! I’m currently working on a steampunk costume for my friend Taylor’s wedding the weekend AFTER Comic-con (NORWESCON! WHERE GEORGE R. R. FREAKIN MARTIN WILL BE! SOOOO EXCITED! AHHHH), so I’m going to finish the costume for ECCC, so that I can wear it and test it out. Special note here: You should ALWAYS do a test-run by actually putting on the entire outfit when dealing with a special-costume for a special day… it saves a lot of heartaches later. My project progress will be posted soon hopefully! I’m making a bustle-style skirt for this, using gold and blue, should be interesting! I’ll post photos and which pattern I’m using and ALL the things. Happy March! (Woah, this year is almost 1/4 over! Crazy!!!)