I’m back!

I dropped off the face of the earth. Too long. Had a baby April 2019, been dealing with this crazy pandemic and the business. Lots of slumps and depression, but lately I’ve been itching to do more than just scroll through facebook.

I have CERTAINLY been costuming, especially little-man’s first Halloween and krampusnacht, but mostly for others, not myself. I have multiple designs I’ve created and I want to share sketches and plans, as well as jumpstarting my Padme picnic dress and try to get it finished, and do some other things this year. Including a fun take on the Sanderson sisters with my friends.

So stay tuned! I will be updating Padme’s page and creating pages for baby pennywise and Krampus, as well as the Victorian gowns I made this year. And more! So much more! I’m erupting with ideas! Even if I can’t actually make much with bebe running about.

Thanks for visiting!