Costume “Rules”

I always laugh about how people talk about my “off season” times at the costume shop. While it IS true that I don’t have hundreds of people walking into the store during the majority of the year like I do during October, there is no true OFF season anymore. The economy is getting better (or so they say) and people want to have themed parties, attend conventions, dance at masquerade balls, and parade about at historical re-enactments and faires year-round. And why not? Costumes are fun!!!

There are no rules as far as costumes go, no matter what people have told you. There are merely guidelines depending on the groups you may be spending time with. While you may find groups like the Society for Creative Anachronism, the 501st, or those like them, remember one important thing. If you aren’t having fun with them, there isn’t much point in being there. Don’t let someone who has to be “correct” ruin your day. They’ll puff themselves up being right, and eventually they’ll find themselves alone while you’ve moved on to better things.

That goes for more casual affairs too. If you get excited at the thought of being dressed from head to toe in the costume of your choice, and you are invited to a party, GO ALL OUT! If you are shopping with a friend and they aren’t into it, don’t let that stop you from enjoying yourself. I can’t tell you how often I’ve had a pair of people in the store and one person was happy and excited until the other acted like a jerk. It drives me crazy.

Go out. Find your happy. Dress like a pirate to go grocery shopping like I do occasionally. Why not? Worst that can happen is you end up on “the people of Walmart” website. And if you are wearing a Mandalorian mask no one will know its you.