January Update!

I started this blog a year ago, and a lot of things have happened! It is incredible what a year can bring you. I have worked on becoming a business woman. I’ve been gifted with several amazing and beautiful awards in the SCA for being me, and after years of being treated like I’m less than a person by the military, the people who made that happen will probably never know what it really means to me.

#1, I’ve never been interested in doing the SCA, or costuming, or ANYTHING, because of what it would get me in return. I’ve always thought that I’d get nothing but an empty bank account for most of it. While I do have a pretty empty bank account, its more from working on the business side of things rather than any of my “fantasy” activities. The SCA is amazing and I love being there, and I love sharing my passion with other people. I like to surround myself with people who love it too.

For many years I have been told that I need to “grow up,” get a real job, and act my age. I don’t know about this “growing up” business. It feels messy and at most times ridiculous. And it rarely seems to make anyone happy.

As for me, I will continue on in what I love to do. I’m going to finish getting my business license, write up a business plan, and be a business woman, but I’m ALSO going to continue living in my fantasy world.

I will study and work and become a Sergeant/Courtier in the SCA. I want to do this to better serve my fellow SCA members, but more importantly I want to do it for myself. Its a purely selfish thing, to want to study and know everything. I love to share my knowledge but I want to prove to myself that I can do this first. So here I go, I will do again what I have done in the past. I will study and work for months, and then I will stand before men and women who are leaders, who are knowledgeable, and I will show them that I am ready to be a leader too, and be counted as their peer.

Only this time I will do it before people who believe in me. People who want me there. Never again will I put myself at the mercy of people who think I’m not worth their time.

My next step, accomplished over many years, is to become a Laurel. This is a big step. However this ends up happening, I know it will not be by sitting and being idle! I will work on my costumes and my history! And I will accomplish my goals. However long it takes. I will start by serving my barony in any ways I can. I am going to be an event steward, and I’m going to improve my persona and my personal garb.

2015, HERE I COME!

Me RSO girl